baby it's cold outside so grab that cowl!

This past weekend I was rifling through my yarn stash & came across
some blue mosaic wool that I have had for a while. I decided to also
dig out my circular knitting needles & whip up a cowl. It didn't take
long & because I'm a crochet kind of chica, I skipped that whole
knitting bind off & crocheted my cast off (call me lazy but it's
faster for me). Anyway, I was going to give this to my husband to wear
when & if we see snow again, but it's so cold today (19 degrees!!!)
that I'm wearing it out myself. It's a wool kind of day.

I've been in a knitting mood lately & have some alpaca yarn that I've
been wanting to make something for myself out of (something I rarely
seem to get around to). I foresee a pretty orange cowl in my future.
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